Personal Spiritual Practices

As you continue to live out the full and free life (John 10:10) as part of the mission of Suburban, we encourage to you to explore more personal practices to connect to Jesus.  See the options below as possible next steps:

Lectio Devina

  • History of the practice:  Lectio Divina (sacred reading) is not a new method of Bible Study. It was made a regular practice in monasteries by the time of St. Benedict in the 6th century and offers a different approach to reading scripture. Whereas study of the Bible sets its focus on learning, Lectio Divina is an ancient time-tested method of meeting God in the Scriptures in a meditative way. In doing so, the disciple allows the Scriptures (in cooperation with the Spirit) to lead the reader into further intimacy with God as they move slowly, carefully, and repeatedly through the text.  The Scriptures are indeed alive and active as we engage them for spiritual transformation.
  • Description of the practice


  • History of the practice:  Sabbath is a word that literally means stopping.  Think of how the rhythm of rest was woven into creation, mentioned in the commandments, and carried into the time of Jesus and how he was very intentional about finding ways to rest and practice sabbath.  Today we live in a world of flurry with so many demands on our time, our hearts, our brains, and our energy.  Our culture lends itself to purchasing anything to ease any discomfort we may experience, but you cannot purchase rest in the way God intended it and many in history have practiced it.
  • Description of the practice

Silence and Solitude

  • History of the practice:  The practices of silence and solitude can be seen in both John the Baptist and Jesus and many others throughout the history of the church.  These two practices are foundational for many other practices including prayer, meditation, and Bible reading.
  • Description of the practice

Prayer Practices

  • History of the practices:  Both the Prayer of Examen and the Prayer of Indifference were created by Ignatius of Loyola (founder of the Jesuits) for the purpose of being aware of God’s presence, discerning His direction for us, and leaning into seeking his will.   Listening Prayer is modeled after the practice of Jesus with God the Father.
  • Prayer of Examen
  • Prayer of Indifference 
  • Listening Prayer

Questions? Or want to talk to someone about spiritual practices? Email Carey Penner.

Other Resources

  • Apps: Lectio 365 app, YouVersion Bible app, Daily Office app, Daily Prayer app, Soulspace app, Dwell app
  • Books:
    • Sacred Rhythms by Ruth Haley Barton
    • The Deeply Formed Life by Rich Villodas
    • Sacred Questions by Kellye Fabian
    • Celebration of Discipline by Richard J Foster
    • A Guide for Listening and Inner Healing Prayer by Rusty Rustenbach
    • The Listening Life by Adam S McHugh
  • Prayer Course Resources An eight-week journey that will help you and your community to grow and deepen your prayer life.
  • View all Prayer Course resources in the toolshed.