Helping people meet Jesus, and become Fully Alive in Him.

At Suburban, we are focused on helping people encounter Jesus so that we can all live the full, free lives He created us to live. Our Sunday gatherings are a big part of how we do that, and they are designed so that anyone can feel welcome and understand what is going on.

Latest Sermon

Fun fact: Jesus loved to have dinner with people. In Luke’s Gospel, for example, Jesus always seems to be on his way to a meal, at a meal, or coming from a meal. And those dinners were accompanied by unhurried conversations where Jesus gave some of his most important teachings. Join us this summer as each week we look at how different dinners people had with Jesus can shape our lives today.

We welcome all.

From small groups to weekend meetups, Sunday school to Saturday morning coffee for men and women, we have dozens of opportunities for people to gather together in community weekly, encouraging one another closer to a life devoted to Christ. 


Sundays | 9am & 10:30 am